What to expect with Holistic Veterinary Care

At The Healing Place, we believe there are two aspects to caring for your pet, Pet Wellness and Veterinary Services.

We provide Annual Wellness Exams, workshops, supplements and the highest quality pet foods to help keep your pet healthy. Check our calendar for upcoming workshops. Pet foods and supplements on our website coming soon.

We provide a large range of Veterinary Services that include Comprehensive Holistic Evaluations, Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation, Frequency Specific Low Level Laser, Ozone Medical Therapy, Cryo Therapy, Routine Diagnostic Testing, as well as Vaccines and Titer Testing.

While there are some services we do not provide, we do coordinate with cooperating veterinary clinics in our community to provide these.

Regardless of the health concerns of your pet, let our veterinarian work with you to get a complete plan for care that utilizes traditional, nutritional, and holistic veterinary care. We will provide you with complete diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations.

Contact us TODAY!


1200 NE 5th Street, Crystal River, FL

Email us at clinic@dr-trish.com

In April of 2014, our Basset Hound suffered a disc injury to his back and lost all use of his hind legs. Consultation with our vet at the time, and calls to advanced veterinary surgical centers in Tampa and Gainesville all resulted in the same prognosis - an MRI ($3K) followed by surgery ($5K plus), with no assurance of solving the problem. My wife found The Healing Place on the internet. And while I had no knowledge of holistic care - and even less confidence - I was desperate. We were immediately impressed with Dr. Trish's compassion and patience with us and Beau. Within 30 days, the adjustments, laser treatments and supplements had Beau back on his feet. Now 2 1/2 years later, he has had no further problems. He continues to see Dr. trish for routine checks and care. We could not be happier! - Bruce McMurray

Thank you for all of the knowledge and care that gave Mocha a better quality of life after his terminal diagnosis. Through your guidance and the use of supplements we were blessed with an additional one year and nine months happiness, joy, memories and playtime with our precious boy. Thanks again to you and your staff. We are forever grateful to have found you. - April Strause

Our first appointment with Dr. Trish was a revelation. After conventional vet care was not helping, he did respond to holistic therapy with Dr. Kallenbach. Beau has gastrointestinal issues together together with coat and itching problems. Through her natural products and chiropractic adjustments he has responded very well and is a happy and well-adjusted 7 year old Labradoodle. I can not thank Dr. Trish and her staff enough. Everyone should bring their animals here to be treated naturally! - Beverly Wilson

My dog Harley had lost use of all four of his legs. Through the treatments he received at The Healing Place he now walks and runs and lives a happy life once again. - Jack Soderberg

Dr. Trish saved my dog Buddy's life! We had visited several other vets and every one of them said "put him down". We then took him to The Healing Place, where Dr. Trish examined and treated him. We have been coming to Dr. Trish ever since. We are still coming to The Healing Place 14 years and 3 dogs later, and we are still enjoying our healthy and happy dogs - Beverly Domke

Dr. Kallenbach has cared for our Goober and out last Basset Hound Gomer. Dr. K helped Gomer to walk again and Goober loves to come to see her. We love the fact that she takes the time to explain everything to us. She is the best! - John and Sharon Finley

We are Jerry and Marie Sutton, who live in the Villages, Florida with our two dogs Yoda, who is a Yorkie, and patches, who is a ShihTzu. Four years ago, I called The Healing Place and was very impressed with the staff's knowledge and all of the alternative therapies they offered. Yoda was having spasms due to neck and hip problems. Dr Kallenbach treated him with a combination of VOM, cold laser treatments and dietary and supplement therapies, which stopped the spasms. Patches was suffering from sever allergies had been taking Cyclosporine for over two years - a drug we were worried about. Dr K was able to wean her off the drug in a few weeks using a combination of VOM and dietary and natural supplement therapy. We still bring Yoda and patches to The Healing Place and they continue to lead a healthy and happy lives. - Jerry and Marie Sutton

Our Lacey was able to live an additional two years due to your care. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. - Maureen, Chip and Molly Marengo

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About Holistic Veterinary Care

Holistic Veterinary care is grounded in the theory of treating the “whole” body, not just a single condition and can include adjustments, massage, acupuncture, laser, homeopathy, herbal or nutritional support, as well as others. Dr. Kallenbach’s philosophy of integrated holistic veterinary care is the best option, combining the holistic treatments with the conventional treatments to achieve maximum health for your pet with the minimal negative or side-effects of any treatments. She will work with your conventional veterinarian and you to accomplish the best health for your pets.

When you are looking for  holistic veterinary care you should be able to count on superior care and excellent service. At The Healing Place in Crystal River FL, we have gained vast knowledge and experience in holistic care to bring you the best possible holistic healthcare for your pet. We have a calm and comfortable veterinary facility which is efficient and staffed with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Visit our video library to listen to Dr. Kallenbach speak on several topics. Call 352-795-0250 to schedule an appointment and we will find a time that is convenient for you.

Learn more about holistic veterinary care.

Bring in any medical history you have of your pet when you come to our vet clinic. It’s best to keep a journal of your pet’s health throughout his or her life, including behavioral shifts. If you have something like this, share it with our team. If not, let us know everything that you think will be important. Dr. Kallenbach can still work with whatever information you have.

When you visit The Healing Place, we recognize all new places can make your pet uncomfortable and strive to have a quiet place for you and your pets. We have our waiting room divided to allow any wait you have to be out of traffic and away from other pets. Often we only have one or two pets in our clinic at a time and feel this also lowers the stress of the visit for your pet. We recognize that not all cats welcome being around dogs or all dogs are familiar with cats, or other dogs and do everything we can to keep our patients comfortable in our waiting room, but often can escort you and your pet directly into an exam room to settle in while you fill our paperwork.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Kallenbach will do a variety of evaluations to gather additional information about your pet and his or her particular problem. She will combine this with the valuable information that your conventional veterinarians have gathered, along with any diagnostics, such as blood work and radiographs. A careful history will be taken of the particular condition and any medications or other treatments that has previously been done and how your pet responded. Information about diet, appetite, & eating patterns, defecation quality and quantity will be documented. An orthopedic and gait evaluation, as well as conformation and muscle balance will be evaluated by observation as well as palpation. All of these facts will then be put together to develop a plan for your pet’s care.

The amount of information we go over can be a bit overwhelming and new as we develop a complete plan to address your pet’s health so we provide a notepad for you to take notes and will even make a recording of your visit to email to you, if you wish. We welcome your telephone calls to ask any questions along the way as we understand holistic therapies can be new and not well understood, and YOU are an important part of our team in providing optimal healthcare for your pet.

In some circumstances, Dr. Kallenbach will refer you to a specialist who has advanced expertise in areas such as internal medicine diagnostics, or surgery. Our goal is to work with you to develop the best TEAM to achieve optimal health for your pet.

For more information, feel free to call. You can also view some of Dr. K's videos and articles on a variety of pet-care topics. We look forward to hearing from you!


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