Our Services
Comprehensive Holistic Evaluation
Your first visit with us takes approximately 45 minutes where we sit together and discuss your pet’s health concerns, medical history, nutritional plan, exercise and activity level as well as any current “problems”. Dr Kallenbach will do a variety of exams from a conventional head to toes examination but with extra emphasis on orthopedic and muscular balance as well as gait. She will review any past diagnostics such as radiographs and blood work and discuss any additional that might be beneficial. Then she will propose a plan that will typically have two to four “tiers” of treatment to slowly work through levels of health issues. As many are just being introduced to a “holistic” or alternative approach to medical care for your pet, this step by step approach helps you begin to understand the very important role you will be playing in your pet’s care and to understand what we are achieving with each step with the least amount of “overwhelming”.
This procedure is the non-manual technique for adjusting your pet. Dr. Kallenbach will palpate and massage your pet while they rest on the floor in our comfortable, low stress, “home environment” exam rooms and then using a few hand held chiropractic tools that many of you may recognize from your own chiropractic visits, she will stimulate each vertebral segment monitoring for any reflexes (muscle and skin twitches) that indicate neurologic impairment. This technique allows us to evaluate the entire spine without any stressful motion to each vertebral segment that occurs with even the most skilled manual adjustment. This is then followed with Myofascial Release and Percussor Therapy to remove any muscle tension remaining. Generally, this ia a well accepted procedure for your pets and will readily show you, through the reflex pattern, where your pet’s problems are arising from. Dr. Kallenbach will then show you some light massage work for you to do at home to aid in your pets maximum recovery. She will also discuss activity that should be avoided as well as those activities to be encouraged to rehabilitate your pet. This procedure will require several appointments over a few months to get your pet stable and then any maintenance will be customized to your pet’s activity and lifestage. See our video to learn more on this technique. (coming)
Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation (vom) ™:
Frequency Specific Low level Laser (LLL):
This safe and revolutionary procedure is provided for your pet to enhance healing at the cellular level. Dr. Kallenbach will customize a set of “codes” to be programmed into the laser to enhance the energy level and therefore the cellular function in your pet's body to specifically aid the cells damaged or with diminished function that is contributing to your pet’s health concern. While we most frequently use this for painful problems such as orthopedic pain, we can (and have) rehabilitated torn or sprained ligaments for dogs with ACL tears along with VOM and massage to provide recovery without surgery. LLL is also used to rehabilitate other tissues and organs such as thyroid, pancreas, kidney and liver functional deficiencies. This procedure will require a series of treatments to maximize the benefit and in certain circumstances may benefit your pet with some “maintenance” treatments once we have your pet stabilized. See our video to learn more on this technique. (coming)
The importance of an annual examination cannot be emphasized enough in your pet’s healthcare plan. During these visits a full examination with emphasis on musculo-skeletal function and balance will be performed. Nutrition and any current supplements will be discussed, as well as vaccinations to determine if any are recommended for your pet based on their exposure and lifestyle. Heartworm and other parasite controls will be discussed to determine what might be best for your pet , trying to minimize the exposure to pesticides as much as possible. And diagnostics that may be beneficial for diagnostics and preventative healthcare will be discussed. Based on Dr. Kallenbach findings a plan will be recommended for your pet’s next year.
Annual Wellness Exam
Ozone Medical Therapy
Ozone is O3, the combination of three oxygen atoms combined when regular oxygen (O2) is passed through an electric current. Ozone used in the body is one of the most powerful and versatile medical therapies known. It has beneficial effects on every part of the body because it super-oxygenates and detoxifies body tissues at the same time. Learn more in this article...
Routine Problem Examination
Dr. Kallenbach will evaluate any routine problem that comes up in your active pet’s life, whether that be a limp or upset stomach, or “just acting off”. A thorough examination accompanied with any diagnostic tests to determine our path of treatment.
Telephone consultation
In circumstances where travel to our facility is impractical, Dr. Kallenbach can utilize diagnostics you have had done and discuss concerns during a phone conversation to aid in your pet’s healthcare plan. While an integral part of the evaluation (the physical exam) will be obviously absent in this evaluation, much benefit can result from understanding the biochemical level of the problem and through homeopathics, nutritional supplements and a different nutritional plan, incredible pathways to recovery can occur. If you are out of our area, Dr. Kallenbach will also help to find a local practitioner to provide certain services, such as frequency specific low level laser, and compile the laser codes most beneficial for your pet and consult with a practitioner local to you if necessary. Other components such as customized homeopathics or supplements not available near you can be mailed.
Cryo Therapy
This procedure is a topical freezing treatment to remove or diminish small masses from the skin without the risk of anesthesia. A precise application of gaseous nitrogen can be applied to as small as a 1mm mass or to much larger masses in a simple office visit with little to no discomfort and then sent home with you. Over the next few weeks, we watch the treated area and once a scab falls off, we can retreat to continue to diminish the mass if needed. Certain areas cannot be treated while your pet is awake, such as close to the eye.
Routine Diagnostic Testing
When our pets have systemic diseases, such as Thyroid disease, regularly scheduled diagnostics are beneficial to maintain control. These tests can be run through our national laboratory.
Ultrasoud Services
Our facility coordinated with Dr Gelatt-Nichols, a board certified radiologist to provide state-of-the-art diagnostics for your pet in our facility for your convenience. Dr. Gelatt-Nichols will coordinate a day and time and come to our facility to perform the ultrasound and provide a full written interpretation for us to provide the best care for you with the minimal costs. She also will do interpretive evaluations of previous xrays or ultrasounds that you have had done to include in our workup of your pet. While as general practitioners, we review and interpret xrays, for very fine detail evaluation or expert interpretation, Dr Gelatt-Nichols provides us a great service. This allows us to provide this service not by a newly trained doctor doing only a few a week but a highly trained specialist with years and thousands of evaluations under her belt.
Rental Equipment
Some of our equipment is available for clients to rent and bring home with them. This allows the client to administer the treatment to their pet as many times as they'd like throughout the day without having to come in to the clinic. We have a limited number of units available for rent and we have a waitlist for some equipment. If you are interested give us a call and reserve your unit.
Frequency Specific Low Level Laser
Ozone Therapy
For information on these therapies, refer to to sections above.
Services we do not provide
Radiographs, Surgery, Dentals, and other procedures requiring anesthesia and euthanasia:
While we do not provide these services, we coordinate with our cooperating veterinary clinics in our community to provide these.